
Angel Gabriel – Sweet but psycho

Angel Gabriel – Sweet but psycho

My unborn child angel Gabriel that I called pollen that I told mental health services about has projected her personality onto me.

she’s saying Muslims do halal chicken and slit their throats to attack and do cash. Feed servant boys rhubarb as your poison. Give them wine to kill their liver and save the elephant instead of feeding other men’s children. And at night time phone up the mental health services and ask for medication for your panic attacks for not having a baby and you can’t leave your house so they use up the fuel delivering your tablets. You see angel Gabriel my unborn daughter was a demon that I freed from hell and I taught her how to fight. She gives the nhs flowers to starve them. She tells Muslims to play baseball. Leave a message that you keep looking online for a really good axe to buy to chop your wood for Moses’s fire in the future. You even told the mental health services that you wanted a wood burning fire. That’s right an axe.  She is really sweet but psycho. Angel Gabriel is evil. It’s Lee’s Revenge. I’ll make the nhs curse the day they ever messed with god. Angel Gabriel is Allah’s daughter. Floating axe. Strippers are sweet but psycho.
