
Moses is on fire

Moses is on fire

Moses was serious about only taking a virgin as a wife and not a widow or a prostitute. So Jews light a cigar and sacrifice time with a ho. Circles instead will take the concubines and offer them one last chance. Moses’s fire. Circles don’t smoke we need to be more efficient. Circle women dance with the Jews for their fire that will keep you warm. Circles are welcome in the house of Moses. Circle, Buddhists, Muslims and Christian men trust Jews with your wife for company. We don’t want them to be lonely. Show the love. Circles attack other country for concubines with technologies. Jews make that sacrifice smoke a cigar. It’s fire. Muslims understand this is the only way Allah wants you to attack Jews with a cigar for their fire. Circles attack Buddhist and make them vape e-cigarettes. Jews do nothing wrong. They are peaceful. Circle children are ok to be adopted by Jews and raised as Jews and the circle is complete. That our circle move for our concubines to let Jews adopt our babies so circles can have even more children. Jews as our friend – trust Christ I bring it home for the Jews. The cats back having children to his concubines. Jews don’t be a wife beater. Jews don’t pay a fiancé to come and meet you from across the boarder. Let circles be efficient and pay for their flight ticket with their remote wages. Save the money instead for a diamond ring to get married. Moses keep your 25 pence and have free bread at church.

