
The battle of Armageddon

The battle of Armageddon

Russia and Ukraine don’t stop the fighting we need to convert all Yorkshire to Muhammed’s soil. I saved the animals, planted trees and grew a flower for your dead for you.
I need to win the hearts of Yorkshire so that I can have a child with Elle from escort centre.
It is the battle of Armageddon. Baal will now send troops from the east and west to fight.

Now things get hard in the uk and it is no pick nick. Ukraine send your women and children to the Uk for sanctuary we will look after you. I want the Uk to cry and soften up their hearts to me the lord and break their cold hearts. Only with your losses will we soften their rock hard hearts to help me. Let the country feel sorry for you that you have to go through this just because they won’t listen to god and let me see Elle for a meal. Remember I’m not killing you. It’s the stubborn uk government and its people for not believing in god. Heaven is worth fighting for and this is the fifth step to heaven of growing some of your own food for Jehovah. Now don’t break the NLP of this song. Fight until I see Elle at the harvest festival for a meal like father god said. Jesus’s tears. water. coming off oil will happen with Jesus’s tears and Gabriel’s love. Grow your own food for Jehovah.
