
Gabriel and Allah

Gabriel and Allah

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Gabriel met Muhammed’s at the top of the mountain and did a fresh halal poo in the toilet and made soil. Lee went back to the past with David and climb a mountain David pilgrim media insured his Jesus’s water. Lee’s ears need to get smaller so pick to have children with girls with small ears, tight pussy and blue / green eyes  white aged 16-25.
Angel Gabriel went psycho when the non believers was attacking her son so filled a skip full of rubbish from the house for soil and Lee did a poo in the toilet. Muslims put a small bit of weed through a Muslim company in cleckheston for Muslim soil from ash to shift mattresses.
Keep praying on a carpet. The war between Russia and Europe is to clear land for trees. No matter how pissed off lee gets don’t nuke him Russia. He is happy now he is in a blackhole. Father look Allah is here again and again blackholes keep popping up but Allah won’t fix a blackhole now. All the babies born will have to be Lee’s babies (Jehovah’s). There is lots of time travelling in this movie but it is very important that I cum in Elle from escort centres pussy or we are fucked and Moses has to go all the way back to Egypt and free his people from god ra. Moses through down your staff made from good wood of an apple iPhone and do venom dance and eat the other snakes. . There is a snake a venom in the bottom of the toilet to kill dogs.

Allah will have to use magic and jinn to work some times just to believe in him. So he has a house. Tell Muhammed that everyone that builds a house in the name of Allah, Allah will build one for him in paradise. Allah had his own bunnies to kill at bunniesofleeds.


