If your bank dies. Go back to fathers respawn point and eat fathers mint until you have built back up your money. Banks don’t let the person increase their borrowing past their respawn limit. Make them eat mint to come...
A thought experiment. There wasn’t enough Calories in the mental hospital food to keep everyone alive by 1 calorie. So Muhammed fought and won the coin which he spent in the vending machine to survive. He was the only man...
You can always fight for Muhammed earth as long as you have a sunny windowsill. I was in mental hospital and patiently grew food in the windowsill. This gave me extra powers when the doctors saw it and worked towards...
Circle men can marry women of the faith eg. Jews, Christian’s, Muslims, Buddhist or circles. Only let the nicest women into our lives as we are the most peaceful religion. We look after the planet and its animals and put...
Circles support Islam and Muhammad’s earth as we need to ensure that evil women don’t attack nice men. We need to protect vulnerable men with good hearts.
Muhammed soil must be won at a natural rate. Allah doesn’t like those who transgress their limits. Don’t push too hard to get blood in your poo. Let it come at a natural rate to make soil. Use a toilet...
The antichrist is blinded in one eye and doesn’t see Allah he only sees father. Allah saved the world with the spear of pips. So plant apple trees from pips as the spear of pips and submit to Allah.
The day of judgement has passed and I sentenced the world to hell because how women just used me for money and wouldn’t marry me and have my children. I put on the gas fire and it went past the...