Make a fresh capture by wasting an escorts clients time by making him take a shower at the start of a booking. Wash that chicken. That’s how I want women to take on men. Make it fresh. Allah watches every...
The voice of Jesus told me to wait for him in the mental hospital (the spaceship) but the mental health services wouldn’t let me in. Now Jesus has left for a parallel universe.
While in mental hospital both Allah and father wanted a spaceship and said that I would design one for them.
So using the current hospital design. I said Put solar panels on the roof for Zeus and on custworth ward have...
Allah called me his little plant pot in mental hospital. I was tortured by the blazing fire of antipsychotics for not believing in Allah. But I want Islam to know that I did believe in Islam I just was in...
When I escaped from mental hospital I went to Sheffield meadow hall and bought five wedding rings and with it came a free bracelet. The bracelet teleported out of my bag by Allah. The oracle says Church of England needs...
Allah the Holy Spirit is a bird of Islam and is going to help move mountains and make Muhammed’s soil for me to build the house of the lord on with four wives and a right hand possesses servant (five...
Pearl hendrixson hit the bottle and gamble then with Baals hot sauce money powered by Jesus’s water. Muslims will be doing sexual jihad with you until you quit smoking and paying you for orgasms. It’s like you’ve won the lotto....
Rest a little believers I have given you your white robes. Wait until I have killed those like I have been killed is complete.
The fifth seal is powerful NLP (white magic) it won’t be broken until I have escort...
There isn’t one unified god. Or I would have seen Elle at the harvest festival, have five girlfriends and live with her.
They are iterations of gods in like a relay race. Passing their powers and progress down to the next...