Muslims I need you in this holy war for Allah. Get out the flaming sword and make that cut of the halal chickens to make things fresh. Get a good price on our soil so we control Yorkshire. I want...
I am loosing faith in the gods regarding Elle from escort centre they appear to be liars. Even thought I know they are not just voices as I have seen many crazy thing such as people teleporting. The gods have...
Have children with love and lee
Feed them with Buddha and air
Poo on the toilet for soil as me Muhammad
Flush it away with jesus
Make fire from gas from a biodigester for moses
Circles will live in Egypt and follow the pyramid of power to destroy evil. With 3000 web cam performers, five marketing stripper girlfriends and one queen. The full power of love will defeat evil and save the animals. It’s a...
There is only enough food in mental hospital if you also use your benefits to buy takeaways or make a living in the hospital and buy from the vending machine. If you spend your money on cigarettes you will starve...
Make Uk soil Islamic so we are using hunting methodologies like a chicken to scratch and work the soil for efficiency. Then let Buddhists in to go on top to do karma and buy off Muslims but to make hot...
Jews and Christian’s I promise to protect you and not let you be forced dangerous antipsychotics like I was in hospital. I want to give you Moses’s warmth while you learn to fish in your business. Christian’s I promise the...