
Author: Lee

God is sending new arrivals to the nhs mental health services. Teach them gardening to grow their own food. Gardeners advance to fisherman and go to church and eat with gift aid and fisherman advance to hunters and go out...

Rebuild Europe with Great Britain at the centre. Use fathers shield and grow food Great Britain we have to take over the uk next. Father god says grow potatoes at home at our sheild. ...

Negotiate the orgasms and have a freedom of movement with France and take French women as servant girlfriends and pay for their accommodation. Sell to servants Baals milk money. Send the strawberry runner diplomat expand into French soil and mix it...

You all fought Lee (angel Gabriel) and wouldn’t let me see Elle, get married and have children. So I’ll fight and kill all the sholva with Gabriel’s sword. I’m going to clean the world. It’s war.

I need to unite and find a wife and let me have five marketing girlfriends at Stovin advertising.