When I escaped from mental hospital I went to Ripon and I was in a pub when a guy with illuminating glowing eyes entered the pub. I believe this to be Jesus. He asked to be in my story. I...
I was not burned in the fire just the chains that bonded me to previous ungrateful women that left me was burned. I am free. Father takes me out of the fire. I won’t look after their children to other...
Allah says that I am in the fire. But it’s not my fault that the girls wouldn’t settle down with me or work for me properly. But he will look after me....
Jesus water and forgiveness only goes so far to take a defeated man wife with a child as a servant girlfriend if she goes off to have a second child to another man after being your servant girlfriend. Then use...
Angel Uriel will force women’s morals to be even better and not tolerate dating other men’s escorts with children. He will make things cleaner. He is full of pure concentrated venom! Wormwood.
Keep spreading the shit on top soil. With each wife and wedding talk about Muhammed, Allah and the Quran. Let the religion spread far and put fresh manure to add fertility to Muhammed’s soil. The morals of women are disgusting...
Angel Gabriel only has sex with external escorts that he does nikah with. If they don’t come back to him and stay loyal and are a shit he flushes the toilet after 6 months with iron man project and shoots...
Don’t fall down below Islam if you revert back from circleism to Islam or you will be killed. Islam holds gods soil with a sword. We must keep pushing on to the fifth element.
In mental hospital talk Muhammed’s soil to get family maintenance allowance (currently pip in the uk) stay halal and grow a beard. Talk about Allah and Muhammed and Jesus. Things like darth Vader etc - cover the whole hospital in...
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