
Author: Lee

I am rising up the levels of the gods. I am currently with Jehovah and have invested in an escort agency and have one escort as a friend and companionship. The next god above that is Zeus and his plug-in...

For a god to be successful the people need to want a god. A god’s success often hinges on the belief and desire of people to connect with something greater than themselves. Historically and culturally, gods or deities flourish when they...

This will be the fifth time father’s shield has been broken. I lost my contractors apartment, my office, my family home, my buy to let home and now my sisters home. Now I’m off to look for assisted living. I...

We have to negotiate the orgasm with Europe and try for children with their girlfriend escorts and not use condoms with selling them e-cigarettes (hybrid car) to save them from cancer but shorting them by a few calories. And hire...

After forcing the argument of an orgasm with a foreign girl that smoked with Allahs bee magic to have a baby. I’ve used up all Allahs war magic. So look for a virgin wife in my own country to...