
Author: Lee

Similar to Islam instead of killing them for leaving the religion circles just don’t let people back into the religion and the sanctuary for them and their children if they leave the religion. They get flushed down the toilet. Block...

Yahweh would like circles to choose a side either worship father follow the light side and be Jedi and grow potatoes or worship Allah, the dark side as sith and keep halal chicken. Let them meet at the dinner table...

I am the real Christ and I ask all the women to buy perfume to wash my feet while I take on more alphas. I am the alpha and the omega. Alphas don’t fight me, step aside and let the...

God has had enough of women. He is putting five swords against women. Moses’s Jesus’s Muhammed’s Buddha’s Lee’s I want to be married and have my own children.  ...

Keep fighting women by shaving your hair while they pay for expensive haircuts. You know you can’t leave us girls. Men when the women do your head in just tell them to go get a perm. Girls you’ve been arrested...

Women your going to school and be educated to be a lady. Now we are in the middle. Women do the house work and stay at home. They shouldn’t work outside the family business or home. You get Allah’s rose.

  Don’t feed the mental health services that hold you in mental hospital stopping you having children. Keep fighting them sending them flower bombs until they surrender and let you out to have children. When they convert to circles then feed...

Girls I want to give you sausages for cuddles. I don’t smoke tell Larissa she will know what I’m on about.

We must fight Satan in the nhs and push him back. Throw water on them in hospital if they force medication on you. Jesus has had enough. ...