
Author: Lee

The mental hospitals and advertising media have been crafted into a sophisticated weapon to end someone’s life force. Like it was done on me. They kept me prisoner in mental hospital and used advertising methods such as the radio to...

Don’t be a genocidal fuck heads. Don’t let escorts work and date clients after the age of 25 and winning soil for you. Make sure you let them know to choose a client to settle down with and have children....

Father and Allah merged to form Baal with growing father’s tomato and Allah’s chilli seedlings to sell to servants in his conservatory. This god then fathered me Jehovah a child god who is spending his time learning on earth before...

Jehovah says Allah’s worshippers are stuck in the washing machines. They keep fighting for soil and dieing and believing Muhammad is the last prophet. Make that jump to Baal or Jehovah and be a Buddhist or circle and don’t die....

Minty fresh means permissible dates in circleism. Like how halal means permissible in Islam - minty fresh means permitted in circleism. It means sex is only permitted with wife, servant or missionaries. ...