Have your family with girls from all across the world so that way your bloodline is protected from disaster and wars. Stick to the pyramid of power let them have your children and pay them berry amount and take your...
The religion works. I setup two permaculture gardens, saved many animals, had one child, fed many people and their children and In the process of buying other house with garden. The religion grows and brings in money.
I buy my halal chicken from Asda as it’s cheaper and work on my Muhammed’s earth of thou shall not steal. Be careful and follow the religion because the enemy has a button.
Every year circles make progress with their garden on Muhammed secured earth and defeat the non believers. It’s Allah’s shotgun. Stick around and you’ll see what I mean. Take this religion south of the equator.
I stab the knife into the earth and start cutting flowers for bird food. It’s going fresh and Allah. It’s a click on the Quran. Allah pops a balloon and makes everyone jump. ...
You have to be a virgin to be married otherwise it’s a servant or concubine for you. Go to Christian’s if you seek forgiveness. It’s one way for circles. We rush because we are out of time. There is a...
Send a perfume bullet to all the girls that won’t settle down with you and have your children. Let them wash the lords feet with perfume so that the lord can walk far. Fifth element
I always had a vision of marrying a virgin and having five marketing girlfriends and lots of concubines and have children with them all. High hopes. Mamma says fill the prophecy. I don’t have a dime but I want to...
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