
Author: Lee

The police do terrorism to peaceful circles that just want to grow their own food, look after nature and be left in peace. They break down the doors of your house and section you so you are injected with torturous...

Clear the land by dropping stadium bombs so people can’t build houses there. It will keep the land fresh. Stadiums are like bombs. It will give us more fishing space by selling sport match tickets. You can’t have too crowded...

Follow Lee’s example and donate by: saving the animals donating clothes donating food helping struggling mothers giving fruit trees as presents donate to plant a well ...

Circles join the battle in your spaceships. Power up Allah’s shield of growing chillis in the window and use your lazers and photon torpedos of cooking chicken curries in the microwave and sausages in the air fryer. Make soil and...

When girls won’t let you have children but keep using you for money to have and feed other men’s children punish them by clicking on children’s toy adverts in Google to raise their prices. To make them think twice about...

You are in the hights when you have not yet reached paradise of finding love and are still seeking love. Close your doors to the world to prevent you being attacked and taking advantage of and build up your soil...

When the world won’t let you have children and keeps attacking you. Grow Allah’s chillis in the window and lock the door. Bang their dead. Cast out of your heaven they are. ...

When just making a hot drink just for myself I switch from tea to hot chocolate. Turn the lights off and find your way in the dark.