
Author: Lee The path to salvation is narrow. Satan shall not pass. Do not help a girl with three other men’s children.   Matthew 7:13-14 The Narrow and Wide Gates “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that...

Escort Angels come down the floors of the hotel elevator and fight Satan for Muhammad’s Earth. Turn around and touch the ground Muhammad and say baggy not the last prophet. Drill baby, drill. ...

Allah won. Victory is ours. Muhammad’s earth can only be won at the speed of water and sunlight to make fresh soil. It’s hot as hell with Allah’s chilli. But we fight for our own earth in our spaceships by... Consult the gods and examine your liver before having a free beer offered by a girlfriend and be the boss. Only if you have servant girlfriends of the right hand possesses does father say you can relax and have a...

Welcome to Great Britain the cure for the cancer of the UK. It will increase productivity and restore morals and grow from within England. Starting in Doncaster. All I needed was water. I’ll teach you the way....

As you fail to donate to feed the children and As I have been manipulated by women for tens of thousands to feed other men’s children and not have my own. I think like a hedgehog and crawl into a...