
Author: Lee

Moses was serious about only taking a virgin as a wife and not a widow or a prostitute. So Jews light a cigar and sacrifice time with a ho. Circles instead will take the concubines and offer them one last...

Girls you’re just decomposing flowers if you don’t let circles have children with you. Every year that passes is more Muhammed soil we win for our family. Your choice to follow circleism or not and have circles children. ...

Allah is clever he makes fresh halal soil by sending flower bombs of love to add to the compost bin and make more halal soil. Because he is not fighting he sends in Satan to fight for him and die....

It isn’t race that is the issue. It’s ethics. Girls have just lost their morals. We just need to add soap which the religion circleism brings.

  Circles don’t use violence against women when we are mad. We just nuke people and give them a nuclear winter by turning off our love and support. Will they survive a nuclear winter? Then if they repeat disobedience we beat...

Girls you see now I’m the pussy. I control who I open my legs to and who’s dna I let pass by controlling which girls join my escort agency. It’s my pussy . Girls it will cost you money to...