
Author: Lee

The mental hospital took £100 off me and put it in the cupboard then said someone stole it. They kept me imprisoned in mental hospital and kept attacking me with the poison of antipsychotic medication. So I vandalised the wardrobe...

Be a cat the boss and do exercise with your escorts such as badminton for free and cut down on the sugar and don’t get married more than once to a virgin. Switch a ho for a beer. Stay loyal...

Men take a shower with Jesus’s water to offer forgiveness so that the girls don’t have to smoke cigarettes no more and come back to circleism as a servant girlfriend. Buy a caravan for your poor servant girlfriends to live...

Circles say “zoom” instead of inshallah because when I was on skelbrook ward of mental hospital I was in a parallel world and the American president banned the word inshallah. But Allah wanted us to go to space so Muslims...

Use Allah’s black magic and eat under the table. Take your own escorts and servant girlfriends out for a meal and claim as a business expense. As they work for you. Then make love to them.