Baal says three gods on top no bullshit.
Bonnie I’ve burnt all my cash setting up your escort agency. Your genius shit cleaning genes with escort agencies and condoms.
Now show me a bit of muscle green eyed babes. We are washing....
Allahs venom is washed through with fathers water magic by angel gurda. But there was a big bang of Allahs balloon (commercial break) in the middle of Muhammad’s earth. Police you’ve just been tangoed.
That is another blackhole another unborn child of mine. Pearl even said that “mail man” in the hotel. Now I’m full of venom and won’t raise another man’s child after Pearl cheated on me and had a black man’s baby...
Here is some more information on the pyramid of power.
You can marry one virgin wife
Have up to five productive servant girlfriends of the right hand possesses with up to one other man’s children
Or up to 3000 concubine...
Yahweh said with a booming voice from the sky that I can have five girlfriends. So I am seeking five marketing girlfriends to work in:
sales & telemarketing
copywriting & pr
Web design & web development
Graphic design & photography
Lord Jehovah is building an army of love. There is no one higher than him. Remember Covid and your gas masks. See it as a sign from above.
This is where the good lord split into Allah & father and I gave it to larrisa the nurse in mental hospital. I helped her pay for her car with her wages, I bought half for her. I learned my...
While working at quint finance I went out and met jacks girlfriend called Amy that looked like amber from mckenzies escorts. But that would of made her only 17 at mckenzies. She went outside to light a cigarette. Ha ha...
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