
Author: Lee

Circles women fight for our men by making love and having our babies for free. Attack none circles with web cam modelling. ...

Buddha’s women fight for Buddha’s men by doing the gardening and growing food for your man. Charge Muslims for doing their gardening or selling your produce such as flowers. ...

Women I’m filled with the spirit of Muhammad and ask you to fight for us by doing the cooking and feeding the chickens. You use your life force by submitting to Muhammad’s men and doing the cooking. Fight for Muhammed...

  Yahweh said to me is having your own house enough for you to follow me. I said yes I want my own house. So I work towards having five marketing girlfriends that live with me.

Muhammed’s will power Back to Mohammed with Muslims will power. Keep them chickens in check it’s the shit, the shit, the shit that adds to the soil for nutrients. Keep it halal. So Muslims angel Gabriel says keep chickens and have...

It’s back to autumn again and the spirit of moses. Collect fire wood with your strippers and your floating axe. Swing your partner round and round on that pole cutting down good wood for your wood burning fire. Pay cash...

My unborn child angel Gabriel that I called pollen that I told mental health services about has projected her personality onto me. she’s saying Muslims do halal chicken and slit their throats to attack and do cash. Feed servant boys rhubarb...

  Circles have come to negotiate. We want our own children. You can put us in mental hospital or prison if you want. But that also makes you our prisoners. Circles have endless looped time and will just keep you imprisoned...