
Author: Lee

In the afterlife there is a range of realms that you can access that transforms the soul for the rebirth. At one extreme it’s a frozen waste land and father’s spirit is there, cool mint grows and teaches you to...

Jehovah is cleaning his house. Lee angel Gabriel is the Christ. Stay true to Gabriel and men only marry a virgin. I’m gonna throw shapes. I’m a circle. This religion is gods house work. Cleaning the house of Jehovah.  ...

As winter approaches we start loading our spaceship (home) with supplies for our journey to the next world. Stay in your spaceship and use its fuel to travel to the next world. This is the time to flush the non...

Circles should aim to win servant girlfriends from Islam by competing with them in business. Where Muslims should hold high ranking positions in the army. Circles should hold high ranking positions in business. Always aim to give a discount to...

Circles don’t vape or use any nicotine products. It is a submissive act by those that are not circles such as Buddhists that makes them servants and concubines and lets circles give them orgasms....

Circles have changed beheadings to death by cigarettes. When people leave circleism they are free to smoke cigarettes. But if they leave Islam, except for Buddhism and circleism they are forced to smoke cigarettes as their execution. I saw thrones on...

I won’t feed anyone’s child now. Until I have my own children. I plant roses’s in Allah’s front garden as not to not feed people. I hope girls see the roses and take up a position of service and work...