Circles are at peace with Muslims. We try to keep halal chickens and feed them flower seeds. But sometimes this is impractical so we feed the birds instead. If you see a bird feeder in a Allah’s front garden don’t...
We don’t want nuclear war. Learn to fight with fathers shield of growing potatoes and float like a butterfly and Allahs sword of keeping halal chickens and sting like a bee.
Father’s butterfly’s should pollinate the strawberry plant and have three children with their husband when they receive the nectar of a dowry. But some butterflies get pimped and are a muchy muchy evil caterpillars that eats the strawberry plant but...
When following father float like a butterfly and take things slowly with girls and buy their meals on dates or pay for your own escorts. Only your own escorts of the right hand possesses are permitted to you to retain...
Let circle boys move into Europe to reinforce the front line. Let circle boys fight for us. Let circle girls in Europe move back to the uk for safety and grow food. Then after the war move the women to...
Let’s emigrate and expand the circle empire and English language into Europe. Let’s have freedom of movement in Europe again and send our children abroad to live....
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