

Circleism  / Blog (Page 106)

Google is attacking us. It refuses to rank my marketing agency for anything. I can’t find design work for my Muslim brother and he is starving now. I can’t support him anymore out of my own money as I need to put that aside for somewhere to live. I can only pay him out of the business account.  Also am using the money I make from SEO and PPC to save up for a dowry. Circles...

Ever since the arrival of the antichrists the world has been in turmoil. God chose me to destroy the antichrists and save the world. With father’s shield of home grown potatoes, Yahweh’s helmet of hot sauce,  Allahs sword of halal chickens and Satans bullet of weed. The plan is for them to live a life as a servant, smoke weed, buy takeaways and not have children. They loose girlfriends by a pennie because they buy weed...

Similar to Islam instead of killing them for leaving the religion circles just don’t let people back into the religion and the sanctuary for them and their children if they leave the religion. They get flushed down the toilet. Block them from all social media, phone etc. Then they have the choice of going back to Islam and if they leave Islam then Islam kills them. But circles don’t kill anyone. ...