

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 114)

I have got to grow Allah’s chillis in the conservatory to capture and recruit servant girlfriends of the right hand possesses that make me cheaper. Once they are trained up at 26 I will move them on to other companies as servants of the right hand possesses for a recruitment fee. Is this ok Islam ☪️. ...

Circles are influencing people. More and more people are growing some of their own food and having raised beds and pots put in their gardens. Even if they don’t call themselves circles they have the spirit of a circle. I’m a historic prophet and will go down in the history books as the prophet that fought for the path to peace. ...

Follow Muhammed and Islam and box the soil all the way up. By blocking by growing fathers home grown potatoes and feeding neighbours to keep the peace. And punch by keeping chickens or doing extreme shopping of halal chickens to do a halal cut and punch. Then just poo and build up your soil. Eat chicken and potato dinners and poo that is all I want you to do to win soil. ...