

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 12)

While I was on skelbrook ward of the mental hospital. Allah threw Laurie in hell on tv for breaking my heart and I heard her cry and her skin burn. I cried. I went to bed and saw an image of a butterfly come to me and Laurie saying Lee please save me. I’ve tried saving Laurie but once again she ignores me when I try and send her paid work. So she goes further into...

I’m not going to kill Laurie with the gas chamber of cigarettes I’m just going to put her in mental hospital for therapy for trying to kill me with poison. I wasn’t mentally ill. Yahweh is a true god. But Allah also threw Laurie in hell and I also saw Laurie trying to get into heaven but only Elle and Charlotte menon got in heaven. Laurie kept walking back and forwards around the house between heaven...

Yahweh the god of Jesus and water and with water comes forgiveness really hurts. He said on skelbrook ward of mental hospital to look after Laurie Jade woodruffs boy. He also said that I could have five girlfriends in the woman’s lounge of cusworth ward because Laurie broke my heart. All I have is heart break over this. But he can be a boy and move the soil if I listen to Yahweh and don’t go...

How I now manage the church.   fire : Money that I make through my marketing business stovin advertising I do a Jewish loan and let them earn interest on the money while I eat biscuits. To keep warm Water : money that I earn from donations I’ll donate to the churches cafe for toast and tea. I take this out as cash so that they can claim 25% gift aid. Earth ⛰️: my family maintainance...

Just make Allah’s seed. Heat shield ️- to defend against the nhs mental health services grow Allah’s chillis to feed the mental health services Allah’s chillis as your heat shield. If they keep attacking with antipsychotics then grow even hotter chillis. Don’t shoot non believers yet by eating chillis. Secure your soil first with Allah’s chillis. ...