

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 129)

Moses is secure with their being wild blackberries to forage in my village. Jesus is secure with my church providing drinks and toast. (Walk on water). Now this is where we do battle for Muhammed’s Earth. We need Asda to deliver halal chickens and compost on delivery’s. They have been failing and even though I have been putting it on my order. The pickers have not been putting it on the van. Muslims need to go and work...

keep doing bear kicks. Take it the fight to the halal chicken shop. Move smart. I’ll show you the best church. Keep talking about halal chicken as your missionary work. It was gassy water with Charlotte menon. she was a servant girlfriend as she cooked for me and did the washing. Sell clothes that you can’t wear such as those from the other sex that leave them to you. That’s bear kicks. New marketing king.  ...

Allah is massive so big you can’t comprehend. He usually calls me an atom but when I do good he pays me a compliment and calls me a molecule. I still feel small....

The girls that betray you and cheat on you. Make them fast in Allah’s rose garden until they have had a period. Then they are welcome back in your bedroom. Circles dance. It’s almost over now a circle has nearly married a virgin and won’t cheat on her. He has reached the top of the pyramid of power. Girls you see me coming with Jehovah’s sword of a rose. No one ever really dies to Jehovah...

In the rose garden. The adulterous woman Is sunbathing in Allah’s sun, while drinking a coffee and vaping an e-cigarette. Allah tries to burn their skin. That is what hell looks like for believers. It’s a trick there is no food! Lee laughs all the women that betrayed me are in Allah’s rose garden fasting. ...