

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 15)

I know I am the real prophet. The one that Allah watched me fuck Elle and said slow down go easy lad and said do we have a deal and bricked me and Elle up in the house on my mobile phone. Now it’s true Allah did have a war on smokers and then wanted a new name (Sam) Baal and attack with e-cigarettes. I am the true prophet. But the police and nhs ceased my soil and...

So with Jesus’s water bottle save on buying expensive drinks and plant Lee’s strawberry. Once a year has passed father god has watered the strawberry plant on Muhammed’s Earth and you can sell the strawberry runner for £1 and buy another Jesus’s water bottle. Educational lesson on a water based economy for children. This is the value of the currency based on a strawberry plant. Set at £1 per plant. We need a water based currency. ...

When talking to Allah and father we all choose one plant. Father choose mint and Allah choose chillis. I as Jehovah choose strawberry. Now I keep selling strawberry runners for £1 and I find clients everywhere just walking by. It’s easy so keep your covenant with the lord god Jehovah of growing strawberries.  ...

I’m not listening to Yahweh either. He said that I could have five girlfriends which I was going to take as five marketing girlfriends. But Yahweh said that I should look after Laurie’s boy. I am not going to do that. That pisses me off too much that she had him over my child. So I’ll use my money from the sale of water bottles and keep it and not give it to Yahweh’s Christian church....

Father spoke to me today and said plant potatoes and carrots but he is a false god as I never saw Elle at the harvest festival as he promised. Now she is too old. The nhs, police, the church and my people defeated father. So now I really don’t care. Plus my mum threw away the chitting potatoes. Call me a false prophet if you want. Maybe they are just false gods and I haven’t found...