Circles only accept servant girlfriends with one other man’s child. If they have more they will have to be a slave of Islams or a concubine of circles. Circles won’t tolerate misbehaving women.
Similar to Islam instead of killing them for leaving the religion circles just don’t let people back into the religion and the sanctuary for them and their children if they leave the religion. They get flushed down the toilet. Block them from all social media, phone etc. Then they have the choice of going back to Islam and if they leave Islam then Islam kills them. But circles don’t kill anyone.
Yahweh would like circles to choose a side either worship father follow the light side and be Jedi and grow potatoes or worship Allah, the dark side as sith and keep halal chicken. Let them meet at the dinner table with a chicken and potato dinner. Let these two sides do battle on the pool table to win a lap dance.
I am the real Christ and I ask all the women to buy perfume to wash my feet while I take on more alphas. I am the alpha and the omega. Alphas don’t fight me, step aside and let the women choose to have my children or not.
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