

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 180)

Christain’s you are welcome to drink freely from the magical water from the house of love. The water is free. Just fill up your water bottle and carry on your walk spreading the word of god. You are welcome at my house. You have to be hard Christian’s don’t pay for Jesus’s water. The water bill is powered by Allah’s conservatory. This is the house of god. My house. All circle churches have an outside water...

If a girl has already had two children. She can be a concubine and have a third child with you if she makes a vow not to smoke. It’s the only way to save her and keep a Covenant to Baal by growing Allah’s chillis and father’s tomatoes. Give a servant girlfriend of the right hand possesses a dead leg for cheating on you so that she can’t walk. Then she can be a concubine and...