

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 22)

None believers who don’t follow circleism loose at gods bran new game and turn off their websites. Circles to win must keep their websites alive. Circleism gods brand new game. Circles don’t kill humans we just make you turn off your websites. Gain experience points and own some noobs.   ...

Grow Muhammed’s army by circles teaching servants children Islam. Then when they are old enough send them off to war. Feed them Allah’s bit of poison of rhubarb. Poison the well. All other men’s children that you raise should go in the army. ...

The only way that you’re going to be able to hunt circles is by letting your wife do web caming and marry younger. First do web caming at 16 then when things get worse move this to age 14. Brush your teeth Muhammed’s hunters. This is how circle girls hunt. So marry younger and web cam. Islam will keep cutting through with Muhammed and a chicken to reduce the age of marriage with their faith in...

Muhammed hunt Christian’s and Jews at Christmas and Hanukah with your shop and sell to them. Turn on AdWords. Up to the chase of the sale. Hunt down that animal and make the sale. Every time the till makes a sale an angel gets his wings. ...

I am inside America helping them with the religion. The religion will grow in America. Americans will spread the fifth element. Americans be circle water bombers. Stay inside the Christian church and claim gift aid and eat at church. It’s time to use the water element and fish. Hide inside the Christian church for now. ...