

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 35)

Make Uk soil Islamic so we are using hunting methodologies like a chicken to scratch and work the soil for efficiency. Then let Buddhists in to go on top to do karma and buy off Muslims but to make hot sauce to create the office from gambling. Keep inside uk borders you are just working our soil. We are not invaders. ...

Jews and Christian’s I promise to protect you and not let you be forced dangerous antipsychotics like I was in hospital. I want to give you Moses’s warmth while you learn to fish in your business. Christian’s I promise the same I will give you Jesus water too and want you to learn to hunt. You will be protected from the war in Allah’s spaceship with angel Gabriel’s love. You need to evolve. ...

Jews and Christian must evolve to learn to fish for work and hunt for work in Allah’s spaceship to bring in a jesus and Muhammed business methodology. Implement Allah’s spaceship in mental hospitals. Learn to have a Muhammed’s hunting methodology for your business to work home soil efficiently such as cold calling, email marketing or social media. ...