

Don’t fall down below Islam if you revert back from circleism to Islam or you will be killed. Islam holds gods soil with a sword. We must keep pushing on to the fifth element.

In mental hospital talk Muhammed’s soil to get family maintenance allowance (currently pip in the uk) stay halal and grow a beard. Talk about Allah and Muhammed and Jesus. Things like darth Vader etc - cover the whole hospital in Muhammed’s manure for pip. Stay halal. Stay under cover say your Muslim. Hold your position that you don’t want antipsychotics. Now I want revenge....

Muhammed’s jinn says : You have to break the mental hospitals confidence. So if you hear from the sprit of Muhammed and they keep you imprisoned and forcefully inject you with medication hit the staff to break their confidence. Let them know they attacked you first. Let them know your diet is halal only....

Everyone that hears from Allah, Muhammed or the Jinn and is kept in prison of the mental health services and forced antipsychotics sue them for your own home, (Muhammed’s soil). You are not experiencing mental illness but a religious experience. Let your email and laywers be your sword and shield....