

This will be the fifth time father’s shield has been broken. I lost my contractors apartment, my office, my family home, my buy to let home and now my sisters home. Now I’m off to look for assisted living. I defend as much as possible giving to charity and growing my own food to mitigate the effects of the decline in oil but my business has still not made a sale in 15 years. ...

We have to negotiate the orgasm with Europe and try for children with their girlfriend escorts and not use condoms with selling them e-cigarettes (hybrid car) to save them from cancer but shorting them by a few calories. And hire 16 year old girlfriends (f-16 fuck 16’s)...

After forcing the argument of an orgasm with a foreign girl that smoked with Allahs bee magic to have a baby. I’ve used up all Allahs war magic. So look for a virgin wife in my own country to have a second baby and negotiate the orgasm with a dowry with fathers butterfly magic.  ...

I’ve exhausted Allah’s orgasm magic by forcing smokers to have a baby. I think they used the pill so I still didn’t get them pregnant. Now I seek father as a butterfly and defend and wish to negotiate an orgasm and baby through marriage. Father says he has now butterflied me....