It’s time to move up the pyramid of power to the second level up for Earth and follow Islam for four virgin wives and one servant (five girlfriends) of the right hand possesses.
Do nikah with your wives.
I now change from Jesus and following father and his shield ️ of a potato to Gabriel and following Allah and his sword of a “chicken”. I no longer date other men’s escorts. But stick to the principles of Islam and circleism. I aim for the purist religion of Islam and four virgin wives to build up Muhammed’s soil to buy a house. But if girls have had one child already I will have to follow...
Mum lights a candle to reinforce Moses’s magic of the fire and strong NLP that I want a virgin wife aged 18-25. This is white magic strong NLP. Light a candle to reinforce the magic of Moses.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
25 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones...
A wife if your a circle or wives if Muslim must stay at home and not go to work and not be available to other men. Adultery is a sin. They must cover up with the hijab.
I want all the virgins servants married. So if you’re lucky to find a virgin servant as well as your wife. Marry her and stay in islam. Then all I want you to do is poo and build up Muhammed’s soil.
That is the main difference between Islam and circleism.
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