

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 67)

Circles aim for Yorkshire to be its own country that is part of Great Britain. We aim to be between scotlands age 16 to get married and englands aged 18 to get married with age 16 to be an escort. This will be brought into power by Steve lions escorts. circles move to Yorkshire. ...

The new species of angels has emerged they eat humans brains (ideas not actual brains) and feed off their money through escorting. They don’t interbreed with humans but keep their dna separate. ...

I love father god. Father explains do I fight? I said no. I said but father your dying people keep attacking. I said I’m getting Allah to help to fight for you as the sholva take the piss and need destroying so that they can’t harm you peaceful father. I am the Christ and I am done defending with father and the Christian butterflies I’m going to sting with Allah and the muslim bees.   ...

I am following Allah, Muhammed and will hunt. I will short the sholva with technology. No longer will I be the hunted I will become the hunter. I will use a e-commerce shop to hunt. I will “short” the sholva. ...

I’m switching between gods shield (father) to gods sword (Allah). I tried defending with father for as long as possible by growing potatoes on in my homes but I have been chased off my land through vandalism and being sectioned. I kept my covenant with father by growing mint for as long as possible and donating food to the community. But they continued to attack and call me a peadophile for supporting prophet Muhammad. Now I’ve...