

My water test. I’ve just had chest pains, I think it was another heart attack and have called an ambulance. If they need to take me into hospital I will buy a drink if I’m ok and walk home to show the strength of water and that I’m fit and healthy. Allah says don’t loose my earth and to drink my own water. So I filled up my water bottle ready for the walk home and...

When three women attack me in succession I have my coping mechanism as not to loose it by making tea and then from the used tea grow mushrooms for muhammed’s soil. Make sure the water is really hot. water - First I run the taps thinking that there will be no water to water the crops raising the food prices Earth - Second - I click on Google tea bag adverts and buy tea to raise...

While Allah strives for women to be covered up, Jehovah strives for women to be free to get their breasts out for breast feeding in public etc.? We meet in the middle with Baal and women in their underwear/ bikinis . We need a clean sweep and no need to rip the clothes off a servant girlfriend if they already are half naked. ...