

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 86)

Grow chillis to beat the cost of an escorts condom and explain to them that you want to settle down and marry them. Make sure you interview them properly to make sure they are under 25 and have no children. If they don’t marry you within 6 months flush the toilet. Give them a business card and tell them that they can have a job and make love to you as a servant. Put it down...

Make a nest by following the rules of minty fresh. Circles go fresh with Allah for a virgin wife to save up for more soil before going minty and recruiting a girlfriend for your business - fresh always goes before minty to build up Muhammad’s soil. You need to make a nest as priority. ...

I am now taking onto my spaceship different animals to make my babies. Let girls get different tattoos for their spirit creature to identify their best quality. Cheetah on the legs if your a good runner, love heart if your kind, dolphin if your a good swimmer etc....

Yes girls that right I’m marching you into hell for cheating on me and having other men’s babies over mine after giving you dowries. Never take advantage of the lords good heart....

Jesus taught me in mental hospital that the religion is more important than the zoo. Meaning put the religion before having children. We will keep growing the religion through helping believers and flushing the sholva (disbelievers) down the toilet to build up Muhammad’s soil. ...