

Circleism - Doncaster Church / Blog (Page 87)

Yes girls that right I’m marching you into hell for cheating on me and having other men’s babies over mine after giving you dowries. Never take advantage of the lords good heart....

Jesus taught me in mental hospital that the religion is more important than the zoo. Meaning put the religion before having children. We will keep growing the religion through helping believers and flushing the sholva (disbelievers) down the toilet to build up Muhammad’s soil. ...

The girls are now getting arrested by my company for killing my dna with condoms. It’s baby murder when I am the supreme being. The is no one more powerful than Lee. Put your water rights on me.

While I was at war I rode in on a mighty elephant into battle and fed it. But when the elephant got killed I stayed with it for a long time and cooked and eat its flesh. This gave me the covenant of salt and enable to withstand the last year. Donate with gift aid to the elephant in times of paying tax as insurance. I want Muslims to ignore it and use soap. ...