

It’s time to negotiate the orgasm with enemy vapers and Christmas time and open another Christmas cracker and recruit a marketing girlfriend for the new year. It’s time to go to an external escort agency to recruit staff and find...

Baal (Sam) stealthy Allah mode is here. Delivering milk and spreading the word of Baal with the milkman they are baals missionaries. With cows being fed on grass. The cows pay their taxes as they are put out to pasture....

If Buddha is trading with you fairly and is protected from Islam with Angel Gabriel’s feather but then attack a circle by short changing them attack them by selling them flowers and designs such as tattoos. Circles tattoos are harem...

Girls you’re just decomposing flowers if you don’t let circles have children with you. Every year that passes is more Muhammed soil we win for our family. Your choice to follow circleism or not and have circles children. ...

I ask that if you don’t want to be a circle and grow your own food from home that you peacefully surrender and smoke cigarettes. But if you are a circle then don’t smoke it is strictly harem. Circles will...