Girls you see now I’m the pussy. I control who I open my legs to and who’s dna I let pass by controlling which girls join my escort agency. It’s my pussy . Girls it will cost you money to...
It is time for cats to fight and save the animals and eat men’s wallets.
The mental health services kept imposing their will on me to be injected with antipsychotic medication which has caused me permanent neurological damage so that I can’t sit down and keep pacing. They lie and say it’s nothing to do...
Allah did jaz hands in mental hospital after he taught me how to make a bottle rocket by putting chilli seeds in an empty Pepsi bottle with a bit of water. Then after I opened it after a couple of...
Allah’s got me feeling like the only one. The girls gave me a heart attack by poisoning my water and Allah chased me with a shooting star for sleeping with a 16 year old on holiday. Then allah’s universe bled...
Baal’s magic sits between Allah’s cigarette and Jehovah’s strawberry with strawberry vapes to negotiate an orgasm and baby. Trust in Baal. Give your servant girlfriends vapes for orgasms. Buddha’s air.
I sit in the balance between two extremes not too hot and not too cold. I meet the girls half way. I grow food in the back garden for father and flowers in the front garden for Allah.
Circles have changed beheadings to death by cigarettes. When people leave circleism they are free to smoke cigarettes. But if they leave Islam, except for Buddhism and circleism they are forced to smoke cigarettes as their execution.
I saw thrones on...
I won’t feed anyone’s child now. Until I have my own children. I plant roses’s in Allah’s front garden as not to not feed people. I hope girls see the roses and take up a position of service and work...