

Circles join the battle in your spaceships. Power up Allah’s shield of growing chillis in the window and use your lazers and photon torpedos of cooking chicken curries in the microwave and sausages in the air fryer. Make soil and...

You are in the hights when you have not yet reached paradise of finding love and are still seeking love. Close your doors to the world to prevent you being attacked and taking advantage of and build up your soil...

When the world won’t let you have children and keeps attacking you. Grow Allah’s chillis in the window and lock the door. Bang their dead. Cast out of your heaven they are. ... clone me (take a copy of my religion website) for my second coming to beat the antichrist. So hard. The war on smokers continues!!!...

You should fight for your own soil with Allah’s flaming sword of growing chillis in your windowsill until you have your own soil. Then you should defend this soil by growing father’s mint. It’s your shield. And grow vegetables on your...

Allah said to me in mental hospital who is your enemy. I said no one. He said I need an enemy to do my job. I always need an enemy. I said ok smokers. He said what do you want...

My garden represents where minty old women meet fresh virgin women. In my garden where Scottish love died of a virgin with the planting of a rose and a servant of mint and marrying old women. ...

Pray to Allah five times a day for soil. Don’t transgress your limits as Allah doesn’t like those that transgress their limits. Hopefully you will receive your eggs from your Adsense chicken. ...