

The girls that betray you and cheat on you. Make them fast in Allah’s rose garden until they have had a period. Then they are welcome back in your bedroom. Circles dance. It’s almost over now a circle has nearly...

In the rose garden. The adulterous woman Is sunbathing in Allah’s sun, while drinking a coffee and vaping an e-cigarette. Allah tries to burn their skin. That is what hell looks like for believers. It’s a trick there is no food! Lee...

When women refuse to settle down with you and have your children. Just hunt, plant roses and vote labour. Let labour starve their defiant behaviour with higher taxes. Just plant rose bush, vote labour for higher taxes and smile. Circles...

Baal (Sam) stealthy Allah mode is here. Delivering milk and spreading the word of Baal with the milkman they are baals missionaries. With cows being fed on grass. The cows pay their taxes as they are put out to pasture....

Let them be like apes and pigs.   Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Shall I inform you of those who deserve a worse punishment from Allah ˹than the rebellious˺? It is those who earned Allah’s condemnation and displeasure—some being reduced to apes and pigs1 and...

Father died, I didn’t manage to see Elle from escort centre by foraging. So I move up to the next two gods. Yahweh fishing with christians for donations and defending also with and Allah going to war with the flaming...