We need Sheffield to be concubines of mine and build up Muhammed’s soil for me by having my war babies of mine. Keep flushing the toilet as a turbo booster and build up the soil. Now turn the lights off...
Allah attacks with gassy pop. Now we can attack non believers by selling them gassy pop and forcing them to become servants of the right hand possesses. Cafe’s pull your sword out it’s time to attack for Allah.
Homosexual women servants can be lesbian girlfriends and make love with your other servant girlfriends. Don’t waste a lemon and get them pregnant even by artificial insemination if they refuse sex. But sex is best. Force the argument of getting...
Circleism is going deeper underground and hiding the man eating dinosaur by pretending to be Muslims and Islam. So circles just say you are Muslim for the time being until we have secured Muhammad’s earth. Do whispers that Baal is...
keep doing bear kicks. Take the fight to the halal chicken shop. Move smart. I’ll show you the best church. Keep talking about halal chicken as your missionary work. It was gassy water with Charlotte menon. she was a servant...
Allah is massive so big you can’t comprehend. He usually calls me an atom but when I do good he pays me a compliment and calls me a molecule. I still feel small....
The girls that betray you and cheat on you. Make them fast in Allah’s rose garden until they have had a period. Then they are welcome back in your bedroom. Circles dance. It’s almost over now a circle has nearly...
In the rose garden. The adulterous woman Is sunbathing in Allah’s sun, while drinking a coffee and vaping an e-cigarette.
Allah tries to burn their skin. That is what hell looks like for believers. It’s a trick there is no food!
When women refuse to settle down with you and have your children. Just hunt, plant roses and vote labour. Let labour starve their defiant behaviour with higher taxes. Just plant rose bush, vote labour for higher taxes and smile. Circles...
Baal (Sam) stealthy Allah mode is here. Delivering milk and spreading the word of Baal with the milkman they are baals missionaries. With cows being fed on grass. The cows pay their taxes as they are put out to pasture....
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