

Baal (Sam) stealthy Allah mode is here. Delivering milk and spreading the word of Baal with the milkman they are baals missionaries. With cows being fed on grass. The cows pay their taxes as they are put out to pasture....

If Buddha is trading with you fairly and is protected from Islam with Angel Gabriel’s feather but then attack a circle by short changing them attack them by selling them flowers and designs such as tattoos. Circles tattoos are harem...

Buddha’s women fight for Buddha’s men by doing the gardening and growing food for your man. Charge Muslims for doing their gardening or selling your produce such as flowers. ...

Now I have my revenge on the nhs for my imprisonment and tourture with antipsychotics by keep asking them to come out to see me to use up their fuel and then teach them the religion. I attack with air...

The mental hospital took £100 off me and put it in the cupboard then said someone stole it. They kept me imprisoned in mental hospital and kept attacking me with the poison of antipsychotic medication. So I vandalised the wardrobe...

Baal’s magic sits between Allah’s cigarette and Jehovah’s strawberry with strawberry vapes to negotiate an orgasm and baby. Trust in Baal. Give your servant girlfriends vapes for orgasms. Buddha’s air.