Lee knows how to fight. We spread the religion and fight for the five elements.
Currently we are fighting for water and ask christain’s to join the fight and donate to the religion so that I may return to my local...
The spirit of Jesus taught me dance worship in mental hospital with six dance moves to do gods house work.
Big fish little fish card board box - if you give all your money to women you might end up...
As I have gone into debt I need to go back to fathers shield and minty and grow more of fathers potatoes and defend. It’s ok father will water them....
Two people eat the same bowl of rice with Buddha’s replicator technology in one’s spaceship. Donate to Jesus’s church for them to claim gift aid on the mothers donations for milk and let the priest be paid for his milk....
I am the lord and I will get my people through the tribulation by doing a little bit of everything like:
Growing your own food
Using the discount isle
Eating at church
Growing food indoors in windows
Using an...
I rest for a moment with the element of air and plant Allah's cover crop of marigolds and plant a rose to get ready to attack the antichrist and say my dear church get ready for the tribulation. There will...
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