
Father I want to do this but with five girlfriends. Some problems that I have are that I don’t own my own home I have no girlfriends or children. I am working towards this dream. I’m redesigning my four year old escort...

Don’t give up walking to church as your power comes from 25% gift aid Keep having sugar in your tea for a 25% top up of your dowry Keep sharing tea bags for your armour keep walking on water by...

Let them be like apes and pigs.   Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Shall I inform you of those who deserve a worse punishment from Allah ˹than the rebellious˺? It is those who earned Allah’s condemnation and displeasure—some being reduced to apes and pigs1 and...

Move my army of elephants up the search engines to move towards Doncaster’s city centre. Jade uploaded graphics for stovin advertising for a client that had their showroom there. I paid her under £1000 so she didn’t have to pay...

It’s the lords bathroom. When it comes to romance and girls keep brushing your teeth in the sink and spit out the soul with girls that cheat on you, have bath to water the roses with servant girlfriends that have...

When girls hit father’s hell turn cold to them. Show no love just water and put your prices up. You don’t need their help. Now we grow straw to feed the bull to sacrifice and milk its cow mother. That... Consult the gods and examine your liver before having a free beer offered by a girlfriend and be the boss. Only if you have servant girlfriends of the right hand possesses does father say you can relax and have a...