In peace times follow Gabriel and women use Allah’s Gabriel’s sword of being a web cam girl, stripper or escort and use fathers shield of men growing food and follow the light side of the force. In times of war...
Strategically circles are placed all over the world. Now we grow with the pyramid of power. We seek 3000 fathers Christian butterflies and Allah’s Muslim bee’s.
When following father float like a butterfly and take things slowly with girls and buy their meals on dates or pay for your own escorts. Only your own escorts of the right hand possesses are permitted to you to retain...
There are two types of water. Fathers water that is free and waters your garden and fathers mint and is defensive and lets your marry a girl on equal terms. Or Allahs water which you pay for (water bill) which...
Yahweh the thunder god charged up his batteries with Allah ac and father dc ready for his next love thunderbolt. Taking this underground.
Father is like a star that generates energy. Where Allah is like a black hole that just swallows everything. This is achieved by father growing food and Allah hunting....