

Jehovah crafts a lion sword. A sword of love that slays hundreds of men’s wallets. I learn to fight without weapons. You did not break me.    ...

Will I, angel Gabriel unlock the fifth element and the lord god Jehovah come through for me by me having six children? Like in the music video. Only by me having six of my own children am I a boogie...

The orgasms lies somewhere between Baal’s milk money by selling to servants, them smoking an e-cigarette as a bullet and giving a lover a strawberry to make love to you. It’s like gravity ...

Strawberries are efficient plants. I sell their runners and with the money buy Gabriel’s sword (condoms) for my missionaries to fight for the religion. ...

Jehovah offers you two choices women. Have circles men’s children and be fed home grown strawberries and choose the path of life or choose not to have circle men’s children and receive home grown roses and choose the path of...

Jehovah cuts gays by making them donate to save the animals or keep a pet for our protection and legal assistance. The only pets that circles can keep are chickens. That’s Texas surrendering for cheating on me because she keeps... Sorry but Jehovah says that she will have to charge a dowry for her virginity. Make her a servant girlfriend first and sell to her. Then you are mixing baals milk with Jehovah’s strawberry for strawberry milkshake and negotiate the...