

Muslims you should remember what Moses teaches and gods law that tho shall not kill. You should only kill in self defence in war. Join circleism the true path to the god of love Jehovah and fight for Muhammad’s soil...

  I buy my halal chicken from Asda as it’s cheaper and work on my Muhammed’s earth of thou shall not steal. Be careful and follow the religion because the enemy has a button.

The chicken shop attacked me they overcharged me by £2.50 for a halal chicken burger even after their attacks my religion was still in profit by £0.50. I will have to defend circles with a hair cut by shaving my...

Muhammed soil must be won at a natural rate. Allah doesn’t like those who transgress their limits. Don’t push too hard to get blood in your poo. Let it come at a natural rate to make soil. Use a toilet...

I have never hit a woman. But after I was taken advantage of by ten of thousands of pounds by women saying they would have my children if I paid them in advance etc then not even meeting me. I...