

Father showed me a sign at church today in February the 5th today. A butterfly which I think is too early for them. Which means defend the Christian church and grow food. Turn celibate. Block women’s attacks. ...

I have seen propaganda from the USA on YouTube to grow your own food and I have seen girls coming over from Eastern Europe near Russia using Gabriel’s sword of condoms. I’m switching to Gabriel’s sword. As these idiots attack...

Muhammed’s men be a boxer to defend your land. But if your punch doesn’t just knock them out but kills them. Allah says that is ok and is fresh. Try to defeat the enemy without a kill though. Boxin lion. I...

Sikh to the sholva that attack and vandalise your property or steal from you and you witness them do it feel free to fight them, subdue them and capture them. Carry a knife of a mobile phone. You are our...