

Muhammed hunt Christian’s and Jews at Christmas and Hanukah with your shop and sell to them. Turn on AdWords. Up to the chase of the sale. Hunt down that animal and make the sale. Every time the till makes a...

I am inside America helping them with the religion. The religion will grow in America. Americans will spread the fifth element. Americans be circle water bombers. Stay inside the Christian church and claim gift aid and eat at church. It’s time...

Queen carol is the fifth element she took care of me all my life. She helps everyone and loves everyone. The NLP of the Olympic rings stopped me evolving any further to the 6th seal of venom....

Now in my third house (rented). I go on a prepayment meter to turn off the power to save money. No it’s father’s moon and just living on bread and water. I now walk on water. I have a solar...

All the ex’s that cheated on you and went off and had other Men’s babies after paying them dowries cut them off. Now use Allah’s sword. It kills them. Start again with father and seeking a virgin and don’t pay...

I have grown my own food on two lands under Allah’s direction as I gave him the sun. My parents house and my house and attacked. Now I have lost both houses and off to a rented house. Now I...