

Stalactites are formed when lots of Jesus’s water carries grains of Muhammed’s earth to give shape to the earth and form a pillar of Islam. All Christian’s vote for all Muslim men over aged 16-30 to join the army. ...

I wear the ring of power that gives me the power to have up to: 3000 concubines five servant girlfriends one wife Islam your using up too much power finding servants girlfriends. Only someone that believes in the prophet Muhammed can...

Do not let your wife work as a stripper or escort. Let her do web caming. It is your hunting teeth. That’s minty fresh now brush your teeth for that smile. ...

If Muhammad’s chicken start eating its own eggs it is no use to Muhammed so kill it and eat it. Pearl hendrixson has started eating her own eggs don’t hire her and just kill her at the till. I’ll just sell...

Muslims it is best to always stay halal and capture not kill but sometimes when you are being attacked and have no food you have to kill a pig as you can’t educate pork. Grow Allah’s chilli sell it at...

Allah once again tangos the police this time gives them a virtual slap. Are you not going to do anything about the attempted murder of me and the crippling by antipsychotics, false imprisonment of me, theft of £200 by the...

Baal says “I don’t care if they vape or don’t as long as we negotiate the orgasm” so with France so that I may have a child with Elle (Lucy) from escort centre. Mixing Jehovah’s strawberry and love with Baals...