Captain America and iron man of Scotland and Yorkshire do a pincer movement on the king of England and get him to serve by looking after the British canopy project and to keep planting trees in the uk. They convince...
I now need the fame of the 6th seal and know I have gone from the pyramid of power to Zeus spaceship and will rescue five girls to make them my marketing girlfriends. ♀️I still try and rescue Elle from...
Sniper car parts with clicking on Google adverts to force Muslims that try to hold on to their car to free slaves. People need their poison of rhubarb. Baal is taking it even higher and evolving the Jehovah. Be a...
Islam make your servants come into the office so that you can watch them work and have sex with them. But Gabriel says have a bed don’t do it in the toilet. Give them a job from the age of...
Circle women have protected sex with Muslims that you work for. This is for them to be in the army they can have sex with us. Only the boss. We are their sex slaves under the duration of their contract...
Buddhists grow food for Islam for their support and their army. Like I say Muhammad controls the earth you need to be their slave. But by being their farmer you don’t have to fight....
Use the Allah and the Holy Spirit and take down a rabbit. Keep rabbits as pets and feed them home grown lettuce . vote Liberal Democrat’s. Circles you have to tame the rabbit and keep it as a pet to...
Russia and Ukraine keep fighting until all of Yorkshire is on Muhammed’s soil and I live with Elle. Punch and block ,
The battle for Muhammed’s Earth has started.
Too much democracy can make you sick. It should be a Borg unification...
God mounted the throne to take control over Muhammad’s earth while reading the page 3. He didn’t push too hard that there was blood in his poo. But then wiped his bum with scripture and then flush it into Jesus...
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